The Saint Jerome Memorial Society

The Saint Jerome Memorial Society allows a parishioner to remember a loved one in a special way- living or deceased. The enrolled loved one will be remembered at a Daily Mass once a month perpetually; the Mass intention will be for the Saint Jerome Memorial Society.
A larger padded Mass Card will be given to the person enrolling their loved one. An announcement will be placed in the bulletin every month informing the parishioners of those new members enrolled in the society. The offering is $20.00
All proceeds will go to purchase liturgical items needed for the parish to help defray the costs to the parish.
Please pray for those enrolled:
Josephine Fanning
Michael J. Pohar
Barbara M. Pohar
Frank P. Makovec
Mary Makovec
Lucas Arroyo
The Holy Souls in Purgatory
Michael A. Starrs
Rose Mary Link
Reis & Kaiser Families
Beckershoff & Feldmann Families
McWilliams and Rooney Families
Widener & Fennell Families
Anne Tonelli
Enzo Tonelli
Kolaski and Drzewicki Families
Thomas J. Golden
Harry Henwood
Patrick Hanlon
Thomas DiPietro Sr.
Thomas DiPietro Jr.
Stephanie Di Pietro
Julia Lynch
Al McCarthy
Joseph Moore Jr.
Sr. Rosemary Byrne
Millie and Rocco Fischetti
Pat and Tommy Fischetti
Teresa Burke
Baby Amelia Polizzi
Ozzie Werner
Nanct Schrey and Family
Kottmann and Haarman Families
Fennell and Murphy Families
Rooney and Thomas Families
Pickard and Beckershoff Families
Maureen Byrnes
Anna Marie Brennan
Jean Setzer
Barbara Ponticello
John G. DeStefanis
Deceased Members of the Gormley Family
Deceased Members of the DeStefanis Family
John Sasinowski
Edward Ehman
Josephine Rapone
Michael Galasso
Peter. R. Toner
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dougherty
Rose Kouri
Mary Ann McElwaine
Patrick and Bridget Boyle
Patrick and Nora Mangan
Rev. William J. Bispels
Patrick and Regina McCarthy
Joseph Pearson
Edward Dooley
John and Florence Gaul
Derby and McWilliams Families
Liggins and Rooney Families
Samuels and Kiser Families
Allen and Widener Families
Feldmann and Tesche Families
William Quigley Sr.
Samocki Family
Rambow Family
James McCahill
John Harris
Bobby Senner
John Sykes
Deceased Members of the Devlin Family
Deceased Members of the Angelini Family
Bernard Ortwein
Matilda Fox
David Ruck Jr.
Benjamin Dalessandro
William and Helen Schreiber
Edward and Katherine Maxwell
Thomas Smith
Dolores Moscufo
Mark Hamill
Betty Gegenheimer
Norman & Marie Haigh
Edward and Catherine Foley
Roy Burke
Robert J.Marshall
Frank Leonard
Danny Leonard
Leonard Hackimer
The Crooks Family
The Cassady Family
Donald J. Mills Sr.
Peter Buglak
David Spor
Simpson and McWilliams Families
Liggins and Murphy Families
Lyons and Widener Families
Brill and Fickeisen Families
Samuels and Scheffs Families
Sharon MacGregor
Mike Deal
Maryann Tillger
Joey Adams III
Helen Strowhouer
Jane Gallagher
Russell Convery
Daniel C. Mazzafro
Thomas Cummings Jr.
Brill and Weyrich Families
Brill and Ohliger Families
Patricia Lillis
Trainor and McGrogan Family
Gerry Wilkins
William H. Reisser
Reis and Kaiser Families
Beckershoff and Feldmann Families
McWilliams and Rooney Families
Widner and Fennell Families
Echo Lim
William (Bill) Nowicki
Victoria Hackney
Sr. Maureen James Barr S.S.J
Alberta Miller.
Nuncio Cali
Patricia Higham
Geraldine C. Mazzafro
Cindy Neilson
Arthur and Rosemarie Kozempel
John Hogan
Nicholas Del Buono
Justin Campbell
Jennie Angelo
Fr. Stephen Katzner
Walter Utter